
Motor Insurance

Call us now : 3583 3616

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✓The most recognized and longest established automobile organization formed. 
✓You can enjoy driving with our best service 
✓We'll honour your current No Claims Discount

Ever wonder what the difference between Third Party Only and Comprehensive is?

Third Party cover
Comprehensive cover*
 Loss or damage to motor vehicle

 Third Party Liability (HK only)

 Medical expense of insured drivers

 No Claim Discount (NCD)

 No Claim Discount Protection

 Free Windscreen benefit

 New for Old Replacement Vehicle Benefit 

 (for brand new car)

*See the actual Policy
Since every situation is different. Having the right insurance is a complicated financial decision.Talk to us about whether Third Party Only or Comprehensive Cover is right for you.

HKAA offer specialist cover to suit your vintage motor (Classic Car) and premium $1,000 up#!

#Terms and conditions apply.

We do care you and our quality of service

Please contact HKAA immediately, when you need to file a claims or call our Claims Hotline on 3583 3616 or wharsapp 9313 8339.
To facilitate processing, please submit all required documents with the completed claim form.