Home insurance
HomeChoice Insurance plan (Enjoy 10% premium discount upon successful application)
Get a FREE Quote & inquiry : 3583 3616
Whatsapp : 9313 8339
Email : insurance@hkaa.com.hk
Property care:
✓Sum Insured for Contents Insurance increases according to the gross floor area of your home up to HK$1,250,000
✓Accidental damage cover for valuables in home such as jewelries, watches, antiques, etc. up to HK$250,000
✓Outdoor Property Cover
Liability care:
✓Owner's, Occupier's and Personal Liability Cover up to HK$10,000,000
Lifestyle care:
✓24 hour Emergency Home Assistance Service - Hassle-free cashless approach
✓Alternative accommodation and meal allowance to you and your family if your home is made uninhabitable
✓Feng Shui consultation following damage to Home – up to HK$3,000
✓Worldwide protection: Repair cost for mobile phone, laptop or tablet computers
Pets care:
✓Pet Accommodation – provides alternative accommodation benefits for your dog’s/cats if your home is made uninhabitable
To know more about the above plan, please contact us at 3583 3616 / Whatsapp 9313 8339.
The above is for reference only and does not form part of the policy contract. For details of the terms and conditions of the insurance product, please refer to the policy documents. In case of discrepancy, the policy provisions shall prevail.